Why Heather Jernigan’s Business Coaching Clients Are Raving About MoonClerk

Dodd Caldwell
July 21, 2020

Heather Jernigan talks with us about her experience switching from PayPal to MoonClerk for her recurring payments and how that change helped her clients and her business coaching website.
Can you tell us a little about what you do?
I’m a Creative Marketing Director and Business Coach at which helps women entrepreneurs step more fully into their CEO role with grace and ease. I help them leverage their brilliance so they have more spaciousness to create an impactful, meaningful, and joy-filled life and business and feel like they truly have it all.
What are your day-to-day responsibilities?
I create step-by-step marketing plans, co-write copy, manage visibility efforts, brainstorm business strategies and cultivate my clients’ creativity.
How did you get started?
I was a marketer in the corporate world for nearly 10 years before I decided to start my own business. I’ve been in business for nearly 5 years now.
What have been some key factors in your business’s growth?
I know all the ins and outs of good marketing strategies, but, since I am a one-woman show, my business always does better when I apply the tools that work best for ME – the ones that light me up (because they make me want to follow through when I get excited about them!)
What do you use MoonClerk for?
I use MoonClerk for everything! It’s wonderful for recurring billing.
Before MoonClerk, did you use another payment system?
I had a PayPal Merchant account that linked with my WordPress site. It was kind of clunky and not very user friendly. People had to check out through PayPal and I really wanted them to have a more seamless experience.
What made you decide to use MoonClerk?
I had a colleague recommend using Stripe with MoonClerk. Previoulsy, I had been a customer of another business that used Stripe and MoonClerk and I had been impressed. So, when it came time to decide on a new system for my own business, it was a no-brainer.
What was your experience when switching and getting started with MoonClerk?
When I set up a form in less than 5 minutes, I was sold. When I customized the form to match my brand, my clients raved. When I showed my clients how easy recurring payments were, they were SOLD.
What do you like about MoonClerk?
It’s just so easy, and I receive money into my own bank account much more quickly, which is always a good thing!
Any advice for others who are in similar industries?
You deserve to get paid quickly. Your clients deserve to pay through a trusted system that’s going to protect their information. MoonClerk does both.