Square Recurring Payments Alternative

Dodd Caldwell
July 21, 2020

Here at MoonClerk, we’re pretty big fans of Square. If you’re looking for a great point of sale system to accept in-person one-time payments, it’s one of the best options on the market. However, Square recurring payments aren’t available. As you can tell from their website, it doesn’t appear that recurring payments are something Square plans to offer: aren’t something that the company offers. Here’s what this article in their Help sections says about Square recurring payments:
“Recurring and subscription-style payment processing are not current features of Square.”
One way to work with these types of payments would be to securely record your customers’ information in your business records and manually process each payment as needed. Keep in mind you will need to obtain authorization from your customer each time you wish to process a transaction.”
The problem is, how will you keep your customers card information secure and follow all of the appropriate laws? You can’t store these numbers in a database, spreadsheet, paper, or other unsecure manner and still be PCI compliant. Even if you take out the legal issues, it’s not a great idea to keep these numbers around in an unencrypted manner as it could have incredibly negative repercussions for your business should someone steal them and use them fraudulently.
Enter MoonClerk. MoonClerk makes a great companion to Square in lieu of the fact that Square recurring payments don’t exist. Though there’s no way to integrate the two together completely, the two can work together quite nicely. Many of our customers use Square for their in-person or in-store transactions, then when they need to accept payments online (not offered by Square) or they need to accept recurring payments, they process those transactions through MoonClerk.
And just like Square, with MoonClerk you can export all of your transactions as a .csv file and import them into your accounting systems such as Quickbooks. So, you can still keep your bookkeeping together in one place.
While MoonClerk doesn’t offer a card reader, MoonClerk can work as a virtual register and functions great on all mobile and tablet devices as well as your office computer, just like Square.