New Feature: Give Your Payers The Ability To Change Their Plan Frequency And Charge Day

Dodd Caldwell
July 21, 2020

We’re excited to announce another update to our Payer Portal, where your payers can manage their own recurring plans after they’ve checked out. We’ve added the ability for you to allow your payers to both change the frequency of their recurring plans as well as the day their card is charged.
Currently, when you create a form, the only way for payers to choose their own frequency at checkout is if you set the form frequency to be “Decided at Checkout.” If your form has this setting, you can allow your payers to change the frequency of their recurring plan in the Payer Portal.
Read instructions on how to enable this feature
Recurring Day
In the frequency section of the payment form a payer has checked out on, if you’ve set the recurring day option to “Decided at Checkout” or if you’ve set all options to “Decided at Checkout”, you can give the payer the ability to change their recurring day in the Payer Portal.
Read instructions on how to enable this feature
Email us at [email protected] if you have any questions
Photo courtesy of Tomoir III