How Shayna Renee Automated Her Coaching Business With MoonClerk

Dodd Caldwell
October 21, 2021

Shayna Renee talks with us about how switching to MoonClerk from other payment providers has helped her automate her coaching business.
Can you tell us a little about your business?
At Shayna Renee, we create spaces, methods, and conditions for Black women in leadership to thrive. Our freedom to lead boldly begins with the state of our health. At Shayna Renee, we seek to inspire and equip Black women in leadership to rejuvenate their minds, bodies, and spirits so that they can lead authentically, effectively, and sustainably.
Our flagship space that we offer is a 9-week virtual group coaching program called IndigoWomen: A Group Coaching Experience designed for Black women, executive leaders, and entrepreneurs. The program is guided by The R3 Method ™ of Leadership Coaching - a spiritually-inspired and research-based coaching methodology that blends holistic healing and professional transformation. Each Black woman leader is invited to rebirth, reset, and renew their divine life and leadership purpose in the context of our new global paradigm. To date, we have hosted six cohorts of IndigoWomen, including over 50 leaders across the country, from over 30 different businesses and organizations and look forward to many more in 2022!
At Shayna Renee, we reimagine and clear the path for what Black women in leadership can experience, create, and mobilize when their wholeness is prioritized and nurtured. This is why we say: When Black women thrive, humanity thrives.
In the future, we will publish a book about the IndigoWomen movement and host a membership community with opportunities for ongoing learning and growth.
How did you get started?
I am a leadership and life coach who has coached and developed thousands of senior leaders within the education and social impact sectors for nearly 20 years. I am the Founder and CEO of Lead For Liberation, a leadership development organization dedicated to demystifying and operationalizing liberatory cultures for nonprofit organizations, school districts, and foundations.
Inspired by the success of Lead For Liberation and realizing Black women professionals needing a space of their own to heal personally and develop professionally, I founded Shayna Renee in March 2020--when the world was experiencing deep grief, isolation, uncertainty. The need for community could not have been greater, and I’m grateful to be positioned to hold such a space for the women who often lead all of us through our most challenging times.
What have been some key factors in growing your business?
In the field of executive coaching and professional development, Shayna Renee uniquely bridges the gap between personal growth and professional outcomes. Meeting the specific needs of our community in such a one-of-a-kind way is why we have seen so much success in our first year of business. Additionally, I utilize my existing network and trusted connections that I have developed over decades. This has resulted in many client referrals, the development of our scholarship fund, and engaging organization and company partnerships.
What do you use MoonClerk for?
MoonClerk pairs with our Stripe account, making it easy to create different payment pages based on program costs and participant needs. We build single pay and payment plan links to collect charges for our services. Additionally, we collect donations from one-time funders and those who sign up to offer ongoing support. Also, we utilize coupons for participants that receive scholarship funds.
Payers receive automated receipts and email communications following their payments. Through MoonClerk, we are easily able to track payments and attach those payments to the correct program participant.
What problems did you have with your previous payment system?
MoonClerk allows us to easily create and manage payment pages for different prices, plans, and client needs. Previously, we collected payments through different sites such as Kajabi, Wix, and Squarespace. Our challenges included creating single payment and recurring payment options, designing the payment page (MoonClerk is very simple and user friendly), keeping track of payments and plans, easily offering discounts, and ensuring the money collected was associated with the correct program participant. Additionally, to provide a discounted price to our scholarship recipients required us to create entirely new payment links.
What made you finally decide to use MoonClerk?
We decided to register for a MoonClerk account because we struggled to automate our payment collection process with our client management system. The platform came highly recommended by my financial advisor, Kaya Ladejobi.
MoonClerk provided a simple way to create various payment pages that we could embed in our website and collect charges and registration information from our clients.
What was your experience when getting started with MoonClerk?
Getting started with MoonClerk was very simple. We easily paired MoonClerk with Stripe and were able to create payment forms for program registration and donation collection within one day.
What specific features do you like most about MoonClerk?
MoonClerk is beneficial because it pairs with Stripe and Zapier - allowing us to collect payments, track registrations, and automate email communications. Additionally, we can easily create company-branded payment pages. Through MoonClerk, we can collect all the information we need quickly and easily. We use the coupon feature to provide discounts to participants without creating entirely different payment links, saving us lots of time. Finally, the dashboard offers at-a-glance information about our payment collection, plans, and earnings, as well as an easy-to-read overview of clients.
How has MoonClerk improved or helped your business?
As a result of using MoonClerk to collect payments, launch payment plans, and offer scholarships via discount code, we are saving time and receiving less inquiries about payments from our clients. Our systems are automated and easy-to-understand across our internal staff team. There are fewer moving pieces to manage.
Would you recommend MoonClerk to others?
I would highly recommend MoonClerk to others. After shifting to MoonClerk last spring, it has been much easier to collect and track payments and client data seamlessly. It is an all-in-one, simple, and user-friendly platform.