How MoonClerk Helped Strong With Sarah Weight Loss Coaching Process $1 Million+ With Zero Chargebacks

Dodd Caldwell
September 3, 2024

Sarah Pelc Graca, founder of Strong with Sarah, talks with us about how MoonClerk has helped her coaching business process over $1 Million all while having zero chargebacks.
Can you tell us a little about what you do?
My name is Sarah Pelc Graca, and I am the founder/head coach at Strong with Sarah Weight Loss Coaching. At Strong with Sarah (SWS), we blend together nutritional and mindfulness habits with accountability to help our clients lose weight while still enjoying all foods (including chocolate and wine.)
What are your day-to-day responsibilities?
Throughout the day, I am coaching and communicating with our nutrition clients via email, coaching calls, and messages within our coaching app. I also meet with all prospective clients one-on-one before they sign up with coaching. I have meetings with the other SWS coaches to discuss how their clients are progressing in terms of goals. Lastly, I spend time preparing new content for clients, learning in continuing education courses, creating social media content for the business, etc.
How did you get started?
About 8 years ago I was working as a certified personal trainer. I lived in Chicago, and there was an untapped market to begin my personal training career. Many condo and apartment buildings downtown have beautiful gyms for their residents, but they didn’t have access to any trainers. I started my business with one client in one gym, and it quickly grew from there! MoonClerk has been there for me from the beginning to allow me to quickly and safely accept credit cards for payment from clients.
What have been some key factors in growing your business?
Consistency, patience, and providing a great service and experience for our clients! Consistency and patience refer to marketing following up with leads. Providing a great experience for our clients speaks for itself as many of our clients come to us from referrals.
What do you use MoonClerk for?
MoonClerk is the only payment processor that we use for our business. We use it for recurring monthly payments for our coaching business.
What problems did you have with other payment systems?
We struggled to find a reliable payment processor that allowed us to create subscriptions for monthly payments. I also struggled to find an easy way for clients to pay with a credit card that was secure and trustworthy and easy to use, both for me and for our clients.
Especially when meeting someone for the first time, having a reliable and trustworthy payment processor is crucial for developing rapport with new clients. I feel that some clients were skeptical of the previous payment processor we used.
What made you finally decide to use MoonClerk?
MoonClerk was easy-to-use, offered competitive rates compared to other payment processors, and allowed us to easily create monthly subscription packages.
What was your experience when getting started with MoonClerk?
It was easy and seamless to create a new account with MoonClerk! It was an easy-to-follow process that didn’t require much time at all.
What specific features do you like most about MoonClerk?
Being able to quickly create custom forms for either one-time or recurring payments has been the best feature about MoonClerk. It’s EASY and convenient to use for business owners. It’s easy for me to navigate my account and process refunds if needed. The variety of payment options that clients can choose from is nice, too!
Also, MoonClerk’s customer service is fabulous. Every time I have had a question, the customer service agents respond quickly.
How has MoonClerk improved or helped your business?
I am proud to share that we have processed over $1 million using MoonClerk as our payment processor with zero chargebacks! It has also been extremely easy to use. I simply email my new clients the link to pay after they have signed their contract, and they make payment.
Would you recommend MoonClerk to others?
Absolutely! It’s secure, easy to use, and has helped us grow our business!