How MoonClerk Helped Diamond Outsourcing Grow 5X In 1 Year

Dodd Caldwell
January 11, 2021

Nicole Ashley, founder of Diamond Outsourcing, talks with us about how MoonClerk helped her business grow from $50,000 to $250,000 in reveue in just one year.
Can you tell us a little about what Diamond Outsourcing does?
Diamond Outsourcing expedites the back-office processes for business owners. My staff, all on-shore, will manage all documents for your business and your clients.
We manage accounts, create custom dispute letters, tax documents, and student loan documents to print and mail them on a client’s behalf. First-class postage is always included.
What are your day-to-day responsibilities?
As the CEO, I manage all the key functions of the company, including staff and consultations.
How did you get started?
After spending several years in the credit repair industry, I KNEW how time consuming the dispute process, client portal updating, and letter mailing was. This was and still is my passion. My colleagues admired my work and would often ask me if I offered back-office services. I declined at first but I have a passion and desire to help business owners offer (and their clients receive) premium services where attention to detail is key.
My business owner clients now have time for customer acquisition and marketing while their back office is running 24/7.
What have been some key factors in growing your business?
Once I identified my niche audience, I was then able to scale my business and automate my systems. That allows Diamond Outsourcing to offer premium back-office services at an expedited yet efficient rate.
What do you use MoonClerk for?
We use MoonClerk to allow our customers to make single or recurring payments on their accounts seamlessly via our website, our partner portal, and email.
What problems did you have with your previous payment system?
I used Paypal at first because some of my colleagues did also. I spent too much time creating customized invoices. And I felt that I was always chasing payments if my clients didn’t have a busines Papal account – they were forced to create one.
What made you finally decide to use MoonClerk?
MoonClerk came highly recommended from a very successful mentor of mine after I was discussing my frustrations with my invoicing processes.
What was your experience when getting started with MoonClerk?
It was an easy process and starting up was quite simple.
What specific feature do you like most about MoonClerk?
MoonClerk has the customization I need and is also simple. It is extremely easy to integrate into my website. Payments go directly into my business bank account 24/7. I love that it reminds clients that their charge date is approaching. I also take advantage of the coupon code system.
How has MoonClerk improved or helped your business?
Diamond Outsourcing is my second business. I officially launched in August 2019 and at the time I was not using MoonClerk. I ended the year at under $50,000 in revenue. In February of 2020 I set up MoonCerk and never looked back. I will finish the year grossing a quarter of a million dollars. MoonClerk has helped my company collect payments easily and handled my growth seamlessly.
Would you recommend MoonClerk to others?
Absolutley! Not only is it simple to set up and customizable, but you are also able to receive payments easily and your clients can pay with their preferred payment method, which they love!