How Business Coach, Jennifer Jayde, Generated $48,000 In New Recurring Payments With MoonClerk

Dodd Caldwell
July 21, 2020

Business coach, Jennifer Jayde, talks with us about how using MoonClerk to create automated payment plans for her clients helped her generate $48,000 in new recurring revenue over the course of just a few months.
Can you tell us a little about what you do?
Absolutely! I’m a Dream Business Coach + Mentor through my company – Jennifer Jayde International. We’re all about freeing aspiring female entrepreneurs from dreaming their life away at their 9-5, to living the life (and business) of their dreams. We do this through the creation and launch of their own purpose driven, personal online brand – from first conception, through to 5 figure months.
What are your day-to- day responsibilities?
I’ve realized the importance of self-love and care if I have any desire to be of powerful service in the world. So I start my day with my morning ritual – mindset work, energy clearing, going to the gym and nourishing my mind with something new and inspiring for at least 20 minutes.
Then I go on to work with my 1×1 clients, my group program clients, and my team, to ensure we are all working in alignment with our highest and best purpose, creating a deeper sense of freedom and fulfilment day after day – for ourselves, and for each other.
How did your organization get its start?
When I left my 9-5 shortly after the loss of a very close (and young) family member I realized I was wishing for Friday, wishing for vacation days, and essentially, wishing my life away.
So I left to pursue my childhood dream business – Destination Wedding Photography.
I knew that if I were to live a shortened life, I would be happier knowing that I tried and even failed at something I loved, than to never know what could have been.
I experienced bliss I had never known before by creating my dream business, and realized I had a mission to liberate as many women as I could reach, from dreaming their life away, to living their dream life, too.
I started my coaching business just 10 months ago as my own personal brand, and it has grown more rapidly than I ever thought possible in my wildest dreams ever since. I am a true believer that fortune favors the aligned.
What have been some key factors in your growing your business?
I would say it’s been a combination of a couple big things! One is being driven by purpose rather than financial gain. When I began counting my successes through how many lives I was positively affecting (and how deeply), rather than how much money was in my bank account, I started creating more wealth and business growth than I’ve ever dreamed possible for myself. I love and respect money, but it is in the passenger seat of our journey, not the driver’s seat.
Almost equally as substantial in the growth of my business, has been having my own high level business coach. She has been instrumental in my guidance, accountability, and breaking through my own boundaries, limiting beliefs and self talk into uncharted territory beyond my wildest dreams.
What do you use MoonClerk for?
I had a dream of bringing together a community of soul-driven, aspiring female entrepreneurs who desire worldwide impact – and guiding them through the process of turning their heart’s calling, into their dream business. MoonClerk played a pivotal role in allowing me to offer a payment installment plan for our powerful group program.
Before MoonClerk, did you use another payment system?
Yes. In the past, I’ve used Stripe (by itself outside of its integration with MoonClerk) and Paypal. They’ve both been great, but either they didn’t offer a regular automated payment plan option, or I found them too challenging to implement.
How did these problems affect your business?
Without an automated payment plan, I had to spend a ton of extra time (and money, paying my virtual assistant) to do all of the admin work manually.
What made you decide to use MoonClerk?
Seeing how easy it was to use, install and create my automated payment plan forms was a huge factor in deciding to use MoonClerk! I can’t imagine my business without it now.
What was your experience when switching and getting started with MoonClerk?
Super simple – which is so important to me.
What do you like about MoonClerk?
It’s completely user friendly, intuitive, simple yet effective, reliable, and keeps me up to date with anything I need to know. I’ve had great customer service as well, which is invaluable to me.
Has MoonClerk improved or helped your business?
Absolutely! I was able to bring in over $48,000 in automated payments alone in just the first few months of using MoonClerk. I did it with ease and with little to no time or money spent. This created a healthier bottom line for my business, allowing me to spend my time and money doing what I actually love to be doing – helping women live and create their dream lives and businesses.
Any advice for others who are in similar industries?
Spend your time doing what lights up your heart, and find amazing people and resources like MoonClerk to do the rest!! Wishing you all the best on your journey 🙂
Follow Your Heart Always – Jen xo