How Andrew Laws Uses MoonClerk To Improve Cash Flow For His Marketing Agency

Dodd Caldwell
June 25, 2021

Andrew Laws talks with us about how using MoonClerk has dramatically improved the cash flow for his marketing agency.
Can you tell us a little about your business?
We are a SEO and Digital Marketing Agency.
What are your day-to-day responsibilities?
I am the Managing Director. In reality, I manage the projects and do customer liaisons, and also I am very much a technician at heart, be it SEO or other general digital marketing activities.
How did you you get started?
I launched this company as I found I really enjoyed helping companies to find the best way of marketing themselves by using the evolving internet technologies.
What have been some key factors in growing your business?
If I am honest, I would say it’s probably public speaking and making myself generally available to give free advice. We give away as much digital marketing and SEO advice away for free as we can. This has really helped our growth and also helps keep our knowledge on-point and keeps us on the cutting edge of emerging technology.
What do you use MoonClerk for?
I use MoonClerk for charging clients for work in advance rather than invoicing in arrears.
What problems did you have with your previous payment system?
I used to invoice everything in arrears. That created a resource lag because we had to chase down invoices all the time. All of my clients paid eventually but charging my clients in arrears caused a significant cash flow problems. All my clients are great, but they are not necessarily hugely prompt with paying invoices.
If I don’t get paid, I can’t pay my freelancers, my associates, and I cannot buy food. I think that is a fairly fundamental problem.
I tried using GoCardless but none of my clients would sign up for it. They just seemed bewildered by the whole process, so I dropped it fairly quickly.
What made you finally decide to use MoonClerk?
I started engaging with a local consultant who sent me a link so I could pay him. It seemed like such an obvious solution. I have been using Stripe for many years but never could connect subscription charges with credit card processing on Stripe myself. So, Moonclerk was a fantastic tool to find.
What was your experience when getting started with MoonClerk?
It was very easy. Admittedly I am in tech, so I tend not to be challenged by things but MoonClerk was particularly frictionless. I would recommend it to anyone and in fact do recommend it frequently.
What specific feature do you like most about MoonClerk?
I like that money gets collected without me doing anything. I also like that if someone’s card details change then I don’t have to do anything. MoonClerk just takes care of it for me. It’s great to see all my information in one place. The integration with Stripe is just fantastic but honestly the biggest benefit is that customers pay me upfront, on-time with no complications. That benefits me and my clients.
How has MoonClerk improved or helped your business?
Every client that pays through MoonClerk pays on time. Using MoonClerk has dramatically simplified my cash flow, life is much easier, and I can concentrate on running my business rather than chasing invoices.
Would you recommend MoonClerk to others?
I would recommend MoonClerk because it reduces so much resource lag on businesses. It just works. All we really want from any internet technology or any system is that it works. We try and run our company by executing without drama and MoonClerk is a big part of that.