Announcing our Integration With Constant Contact

Dodd Caldwell
July 21, 2020

We’re happy to announce that we’ve completed our direct integration with one of the largest email marketing providers in the industry, Constant Contact.
Whenever a payer successfully checks out on one of your MoonClerk payment forms, you can choose to have us automatically add these payers to any of the contacts lists in your Constant Contact account.
This allows you to either offer a paid newsletter or to offer a free newsletter to your customers or donors when they make a recurring or one-time payment through MoonClerk.
About Constant Contact
Constant Contact launched in 1998, so they have a long history in the email marketing space and helping small organizations by providing them with an easy and affordable way to create and build successful, lasting customer relationships. Today, they serve over 500,000 customers.
Constant Contact is an easy, effective, and highly affordable way to get your message out to your customers, clients, or members—and build strong, successful, and lasting relationships with them. You can create high-impact email newsletters and promotions in minutes – no technical expertise necessary. Constant Contact offers more than 400 easily-customized templates, a simple point-and-click tool, and free customer support. They make it easy for you to manage your contact lists, sign up website visitors, track your clicks and open rates, and send automated communications to new subscribers.
One of the things we love about Constant Contact is all of the resources they provide to help small businesses grow. Here’s a sample of one of their informative videos on their YouTube channel.
How Does MoonClerk Work With Constant Contact
As with all of our email marketing integrations, our functionality allows you to control everything from the payment form level. With each payment form, you can send payers to different Constant Contact contacts lists. So, let’s say you wanted to send separate newsletters to your Silver, Gold, or Platinum customers (based on the amount they pay), you would set up three MoonClerk payment forms – one for each level. You can have your Silver customers added to a “Silver” Constant Contact list, your Gold customers to a “Gold” list, and your Platinum customers to your “Platinum” list. In addition if you wanted to add your Gold customers to two Constant Contact contacts lists – a “Gold” list and a “General” list – you can do that too.
You can check out these step-by-step tutorials from our Help section to learn how to:
1) Install Constant Contact on your MoonClerk account
2) Add payers to an Constant Contact contacts list when they check out on a MoonClerk payment form
As always, if you have any questions or feedback, feel free to send us an email at [email protected].