Why Tony Basra Uses MoonClerk To Take Payments For His Virtual Fitness Business

Dodd Caldwell
June 15, 2022

Tony Basra talks with us about what he likes about using MoonClerk in his virtual fitness training business.
Can you tell us a little about your business?
The main function of my business is to help folk transform their lifestyles, mindsets, nutritional habits, and ultimately their bodies. I support my clients achieve their fat loss, muscle gain or strength goals with fitness and food plans plus ongoing support.
What are your day-to-day responsibilities?
Day-to-day I mainly provide my clients one-to-one support via either he app I use or video calls.
How did you get started?
I initially started off as a one-to-one gym personal trainer back in 2018. When the COVID lockdown hit, I diversified my business to be a remote coaching model and here I am today
What have been some key factors in growing your business?
I have built trust with my social media audience so that I received word of mouth recommendations due to my reputation. I also consistently deliver results to my clients.
What do you use MoonClerk for?
I use MoonClerk to take all payments on my website.
What made you finally decide to use MoonClerk?
My web developer recommended MoonClerk to me and I’m pleased I took his advice!
What was your experience when getting started with MoonClerk?
MoonClerk is easy to use, easy-to-understand, and when I have needed support, it’s always there.
What do you like most about MoonClerk?
MoonClerk is user friendly for me and it’s user friendly for my customers - it’s so easy for them to complete a checkout.
How has MoonClerk helped your business?
MoonClerk has helped me by allowing me to accept payments according to the options I want for my business. For me, that means that after my customers have checked out once, I can keep them on my books without having to bother them for payment again.
Would you recommend MoonClerk to others?
Yes. MoonClerk is super fast and efficient.