How Ronald Osborne’s Business Improved By Switching To MoonClerk

Dodd Caldwell
May 17, 2022

Business coach, Ronald Osborne, talks with us about his decision to switch from PayPal to MoonClerk as his payment processor.
Can you tell us a little about what your business does?
Ronald Osborne - Your Small Business Coach, helps small business owners with coaching and mentorship.
What are your day-to-day responsibilities?
I am the founder of the company. I work with business owners to overcome troubles their organizations might face.
How did you get started?
I owned a telecommunications company that went from myself to 27 employees and multiple millions in revenue. We worked with the major telecom companies across Australia. Because of the success I had with my company, many business owners began to approach me for advice.
What have been some key factors in growing your business?
Hard work. Thankfully, my success with TWECS (my Australian telecommunications company) helped me build credibility. I devoted many hours to my telecom endeavor and it rewarded me handsomely. I now spend nothing on marketing for my business coaching company.
What do you use MoonClerk for?
I use MoonClerk to accept all forms of electronic payments. It is simple and easy to use.
What problems did you have with your previous payment system?
I used to use Paypal. I found that it is not user-friendly. Embedding a payment button on your site or a landing page is like trying to find the lost city of Atlantis.
Not being able to easily enable payment buttons on my landing pages impacted my bottom line. I had to use a third party and that cost me 1.5% on each transaction.
What made you finally decide to use MoonClerk?
I spoke with a client and they had nothing but good things to say about MoonClerk. I gave it a try last year and I am still working MoonClerk to this day.
What was your experience when getting started with MoonClerk?
It was straightforward. I didn’t have to jump through a million hoops ore hire a developer just to be able to accept monthly recurring payments.
What specific features do you like most about MoonClerk?
I would say the ease of the monthly subscription payment. I love that feature. It is very easy to set up and the clients have control too. That is what makes them feel confident with my monthly subscription service. They know they can cancel on their end. In this day and age, we need to be able to have that level of trust with organizations.
I really like the simplicity of the embed code. It’s very easy to set up on landing pages.
I think the “theme” option is a brilliant idea. I’m able to create custom themes and add them to any payment form I create. Brilliant.
How has MoonClerk improved or helped your business?
Before using MoonClerk we were using Paypal. I would get complaints and even missed payments. That all came to an end when I started using MoonClerk. I have received 100% of due payments on-time and without wasting effort following up with clients.
My profit margin increased by 3.67% when I made the switch to MoonClerk.
Would you recommend MoonClerk to others?
I already recommend MoonClerk to other business owners and I will continue to. I love the simplicity of the technology. I think any business owner that wants to be paid on-time and not chasing up clients should make the switch.