How MoonClerk Helps Alex Golodriga Gain Back 5 Extra Hours A Month

Dodd Caldwell
June 2, 2021

Alex Golodriga talks with us about how MoonClerk has helped her gain back 5 hours of her time per month to focus on building her coaching business, HerBodySolutions.
Can you tell us a little about what you do?
I’m a coach who offers women support around all things related to health, fitness and wellness. I help burnt out women gain energy through proper nutrition, movement, and self-care practicess. Clients can work with me one-on-one with nutritional support, in a group setting via my 6-month Nourish HER Body Course, as well as with training via my fitness app community called HER Body Lifts Membership.
What are your day-to-day responsibilities?
I have one-on-one client calls, Nourish HER Body group support with live calls and Slack support, app support via the HER Body Lifts membership, as well as general email support/inquiry responses, social media content creation and engagement.
How did you get started?
I’ve been running my own fitness and wellness business for almost a decade now and have been refining it and streamlining my business processes for a few years now. As I grow in my offerings and client base I have added features and technical support to help showcase my professionalism, as well as limit the time I spend doing admin work.
What have been some key factors in your growth?
I’ve incorporated processes like MoonClerk and integrated similar systems that have allowed me to spend more time doing what I love and less time doing admin work.
What do you use MoonClerk for?
I invoice my clients through MoonClerk.
What problems did you have with your previous payment system?
I’ve used PayPal in the past. Some clients didn’t have PayPal. PayPal was also harder to keep my invoicing organized and it was difficult to maintain a schedule for payments.
What made you finally decide to use MoonClerk?
A colleague recommended MoonClerk to me
What was your experience when getting started with MoonClerk?
It’s easy to use MoonClerk so getting started was smooth. Also, it was easy to integrate MoonClerk with other features and systems I already had in place.
What specific feature do you like most about MoonClerk?
I love how I can customize the payment forms. The different recurring payment options allow me to structure payment plans that fit my clients’ needs. I can also offer my clients multiple methods to pay and they can do so with confidence.
The design options allow me to include my logo and color scheme in the payment forms.
How has MoonClerk improved or helped your business?
I’ve gained upwards of 5 hours a month back that can now be put into the work I actually love and am fulfilled by.
Would you recommend MoonClerk to others?
Yes! MoonClerk is easy to use and integrate into other systems that I already have in place. It takes the guesswork out of invoicing and helps improve my professionalism!