
New Charts And Metrics For The MoonClerk Dashboard

moonclerk recurring payments dashboard updates

We’ve just added new charts and metrics to the landing page on the MoonClerk dashboard:

We’ve still kept the main data points we’ve always had at the top of the dashboard; however, we’ve now added three charts that track Payment Volume, Number of Payments, and Number of Recurring Plans Created. You can filter all of these charts by date.

The Payment Volume metric keeps track of all payments made and is the payment amount (in your account currency) of all successful payments minus all refunds.

The Number of Payments metric includes all of the successful payments that have been made. If you have partially or fully refunded payments, those original payments still show up as a payment made.

The Recurring Plans Created metric gives you a snapshot of how many recurring plans were created in the past. This count includes plans of all statuses – currently Active, Canceled, Pending, etc.

If you have any questions, send us an email at [email protected].


